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Learn to take control and start opening up your world again.
In this first step Dr. Blumberg teaches you his proven method of breaking anxiety apart into key factors. You will learn to construct your panic profile and predict your panic experience.
Take the terror out of panic as you discover The Paradoxical Rule — and see how to get your physical symptoms to obey you.
Know how to rebound and what to do if your symptoms return.
“I thought I was done but I have just begun.” If you’ve ever done exercises for a bad back, you know it’s natural to want to stop the course of treatment once you’ve felt improvement.
Here Dr. Blumberg takes you from setback mode — after the return of symptoms — to rebound mode
Uncover the hidden triggers that set off your panic attacks.
Panic attacks feel like they come out of the blue. One moment you’re in line at the bank. The next, you are clutching your chest — convinced you need to go to the hospital.
By charting the progression of your panic attacks with the doctor, you’ll have the tools you need to progress to the final step in the program.
Identify and understand the missing link to a panic-free life.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, like that used in PanicLINK, results in a dramatic reduction in panic for most patients within a few sessions.
Step Four is where effective mastery of the missing link can help prevent relapses and lead to a more effective emotional management system plus the promise of a panic-free lifestyle