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Call Dr. Blumberg Now: 1-800-366-6570

Call Dr. Blumberg Now: 1-800-366-6570

CD/DVD Version

Full 12 Session Program in Hard Copy

Discover the Hidden Cause of your Panic Attacks —
Enjoy Panic-Free living!

Doctor Blumberg’s drug-free PanicLINK program has already helped over 5,000 patients overcome their crippling Panic Attacks. With this complete CD/DVD Version, you too can live your life without the fear and anxiety.

From the comfort of your home, you can discover what causes these attacks and how to stop them!

PanicLINK combines a scientifically validated “Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program” for panic disorder with Doctor Blumberg’s “Discovery of the Missing Link” that takes you to a permanent panic-free lifestyle.

In the DVD (over 1 hour) In-Session overview, you watch Dr. Blumberg preview the main points of each Session. Then in the Session Workbook (452 pages) You read exact Session transcripts with charts and graphs and learn exactly how the Doctor handles each aspect of helping his patients enjoy panic-free living.


Next, the Session by Session Audio Program holds over 14 hours of audio instruction with track titles for each CD to organize and access each key point of each Session for review. Here, Dr. Blumberg comes to life and you hear exactly what he says to his patients as if you were in his office listening to his words.

Finally, in the Session Guidebook, you review the exact handouts and homework he gives to his individual patients in their Session wrap-ups.

Try PanicLINK now and, for a limited time, you will receive FREE 30 minute phone support directly from Doctor Blumberg.

The 12 Session PanicLINK Training Program is divided into Four Phases:

Phase 1-The Take Control Training Method

  • Session 1: How Do I Know I Have Panic Disorder?
  • Session 2: What Makes Panic Tic? The Rules that Govern the Panic Experience
  • Session 3: Take Control Training – Steps One, Two and Three
  • Session 4: Take Control Training – Steps Four, Five and Six
  • Session 5: Real Live Practice: Opening Up Your World Again
  • Session 6: Your Practice Program

Phase 2-Rapid Rebound Skills

  • Session 7: Are You Rebound Ready?
  • Session 8: The Big Picture on the Road to a Panic-Free Lifestyle

Phase 3-Understanding Your Panic Triggers

  • Session 9: Your Four WHY-TRIGGERS
  • Session 10: Your Four WHY-TRIGGERS and WHY-TRIGGER4, The MISSING LINK

Phase 4- Identify the true hidden cause of your panic, Your Missing LINK for permanent panic relief

  • Session 11: The WHY-PANIC MODEL
  • Session 12: The Discovery of your MISSING LINK plus a Bonus Session

PanicLINK Program

CD/DVD Version

  • DVD Video Program
  • 452-Page Workbook on CD
  • 16-CD Audio Program
  • 12-Session Guidebook on CD
  • Unlimited email support
  • 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee *

Only: $749.00

PanicLINK Program

CD/DVD/Printed Version

  • DVD Video Program
  • 452-Page Printed Workbook
  • 16-CD Audio Program
  • 12-Session Printed Guidebook
  • Unlimited email support
  • 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee *

Only: $949.00

Free 30 minute initial phone consultation